


First-time college students applying for admission to a degree program are expected to present the following qualifications:

  1. Graduation from an accredited high school or its equivalent or successful completion of the General Education Development (GED) exam.
  2. 提交正式的高中成绩单.
  3. 高中毕业班班级排名良好.
  4. 顺利完成高中课程,为学生上大学做准备. 虽然入学不需要具体的高中学分分配, 推荐大学预备课程, 包括:
    a. 四年英语(语法、写作、文学).
    b. 两年的外语学习.
    c. 三到四年的大学预科数学(代数), 平面几何和高等代数(至少).
    d. 2 - 3年实验室科学(至少2年生物,化学和物理).
    e. 两年的社会科学(选自美国).S., world and European history; government, sociology, psychology, geography, and economics).
  5. Satisfactory personal reference information and recommendation from the student’s high school guidance counselor or principal. 25岁或以上的申请人可提交他人的适当推荐信.


  1. 从招生办公室获得入学申请,在www上在线申请.曼彻斯特.edu,或通过通用申请网址www.commonapp.org.
  2. Complete and return the application form and non-refundable $25 application fee with the following materials:
  • 正式的高中成绩单,包括目前的课程和最近的成绩;
  • 官方SAT或ACT成绩;
  • 由辅导员或其他学校官员报告的班级排名;
  • a completed high school report form from the guidance counselor or principal (high school report form is attached to the application and available on our website).
3. Students should submit their completed application as early as possible following completion of their junior year in high school, 但至少在他们计划入学的学期开始前30天.

快进 top2

Students motivated to earn a bachelor’s degree in three years may consider the 十大网赌正规网址 快进 program. 快进 students can complete all degree requirements for every major by following an aggressive three-year schedule of fall, 1月, 春夏班, 以及指定的在线课程. 除了第一年的入学要求, 快进计划的申请人必须:

  1. 有资格获得学院奖学金、院长奖学金或校长奖学金
  2. 选择一个具体的专业
  3. 在5月1日开始一年级课程之前申请


  1. 申请完成后将作出录取决定. 申请人通常会在两周内收到通知.
  2. 所有被录取的学生都需要支付250美元的注册费来确认他们的入学意向. 秋季学期的学费可退还至5月1日.
  3. 住宿生活信息将发送给所有被录取的学生. Students complete a housing intent form to live in University facilities or a request to live off campus form to commute from home.
  4. 课程选择和注册在夏季入学期间进行.
  5. All full-time and part-time students are required to complete a health record form that requires personal history and a complete immunization record. 健康表在入学前发给学生. The completed Health Record form must be on file with the University prior to the start of classes in the student’s first semester.


除了第一年的入学要求, a student transferring to 曼彻斯特 must have transcripts sent directly to the Office of 招生 at 曼彻斯特 from the registrar of each post-secondary institution previously attended.

转学候选人必须有一个累计转学平均绩点2.0 (4.(0分)才有资格入场. A transfer candidate who is ineligible to re-enroll at the last attended college will normally be considered ineligible to enter 十大网赌正规网址 for at least one semester.

Students transferring who have less than 28 completed credits must also meet the requirements for undergraduate first year admission.

Transfer credit evaluation is completed by the registrar only after all official transcripts from other institutions have been submitted to 曼彻斯特. 如果只有部分信息可用, a tentative evaluation may be requested but cannot be considered official until all documents are received.

Credits earned at regionally accredited institutions with a grade of C or higher may be transferred upon approval by the registrar. 但是,成绩不能转让. Credits accepted will be applied toward Core and major requirements as appropriate and verified by the registrar’s Transfer Credit Report. Students currently enrolled at 十大网赌正规网址 who wish to transfer credit for courses taken at other academic institutions (for example, in summer school programs) should secure approval from the University registrar before taking the course. 未经事先批准,不能保证转让学分.

入学的分类 top2


无预约录取的申请人可获正式录取. 学生必须有正规的入学资格才能成为学位候选人.

Provisional admission may be granted to an applicant whose application file is incomplete at the time an admission decision is made. The materials received must be strong enough to warrant provisional admission pending receipt of the missing materials. 缺失的材料必须在学期开始前收到. 只要学生的档案完成, 招生办公室将对其进行审查并采取行动.

Conditional admission may be granted to an applicant whose academic record shows certain deficiencies. The student must demonstrate the ability to do acceptable college-level work before being considered for regular admission status. 在满足入学时规定的条件后(e).g. 参与学生成功计划), 该学生将被提升为普通入学资格. A student who fails to satisfy the specified conditions will be disqualified from continued enrollment. Any student who is disqualified from continued enrollment has the right to appeal the disqualification to the Academic Standards Committee or apply for reinstatement at a later date.


High school students with strong academic backgrounds may be admitted to take 十大网赌正规网址 courses for credit either on campus or at the high school. Interested students must submit the High School Student Enrollment Application to the Office of the 注册商. 大学保留限制高中学生课程选择的权利.

Non-degree status is designed for the high school graduate who desires to take college work for self-improvement, 为就业发展或保持技能, 将学分转到另一个机构的学位或课程, 或者教师资格证. 学生可以以非学位候选人的身份填写入学申请, 可以在招生办公室找到. Students with a prior bachelor’s degree may pursue additional work as a degree-seeking student if the student is working toward a new major. The Office of the 注册商 will determine which courses from the prior degree will satisfy the new major’s requirements.


曾就读于十大网赌正规网址的学生, 但没有在前一个常规学期注册的学生, must file an application for readmission with the Office of 招生 in advance of the anticipated return.

A student who has been disqualified from further attendance may apply for reinstatement by submitting an application for readmission accompanied by a letter presenting evidence that the applicant is prepared to meet the minimum academic standards of the University.

